This blog is a ministry of the Even Gilion center in Jerusalem, a place of learning and discipleship. We are glad that you are here and hope you will find gems of truth revealing the Messiah of Israel. Scripture calls God, “the Rock of our salvation”, and the “Rock of Israel”. Messiah is called the “Rock laid in Zion”, “a tried stone”, and “the chief corner stone”. The Hebrew word for rock, Even, itself is a revelation of the inseparable relationship of God as both Father and Son, Av + Ben = Even. (אב + בן = אבן).
Yeshua, the Messiah, proclaimed to Simon Peter, “Upon this rock I will build my Community…” The phrase presents a beautiful word play when rendered to Hebrew. Messiah will build Evneh, אבנה, on this rock, Even אבן. Build and Rock come from the same Hebrew root. If the rock upon which He will build His Community is the revelation that He is both Messiah and the Son of the Living God, then that Good News is the bedrock of our faith. Perhaps this is the reason early Jewish disciples called the Gospel, the Even Gilion, or Revealed Stone. It too was a word play on the very Greek term for the Good News – Evangelion.